Communication with Students & Parents
How-to: E-mail all students using MS Outlook - PDF
How-to: E-mail all students using MS Outlook - Video (Coming Soon)
How-to: Contact all students using School Messenger - PDF
How-to: Contact all students using School Messenger - Video (Coming Soon)
Google Voice: Educators can use Google Voice to create a new phone number to communicate with families while maintaining privacy.
How-to: Use phone settings to maximize privacy: Use the steps in this guide to maximize your privacy when using your phone while contacting families.
Remind: Free two-way messaging tool to communicate with students & families while protecting your privacy.
Talking Points App: Free messaging app that allows teachers to communicate with students & parents in their home language by providing two-way translated messages.
FUSD MicroSoft Teams Tutorials
Register for LIVE MS Teams webinar: The live webinars will be led by the FUSD IT team. There are multiple entry points based on experience level. Participants will have an opprtunity to ask questions and pratice live with the presenter.
On-Demand MS Teams webinar: View MS Teams webinars on your own schedule. There are multiple entry points based on experience level.
On-Demand Distance Learning Training: These on-demand traning videos are designed designed in a progression of topics that build upon each other. It is recommended that you begin with topic 1 and move your way through each topic.
MS Teams Overview PDF: This PDF will give educators a concise overview on how to use MS Teams for Distance Learning.
MS Teams and Meeting Students' Accessabilty Needs: This website will provide an overview of the MS Teams features educator can use to meet students' accessability needs.
Video Conference Tutorials & Tools
Zoom: Free audio and video conferecing platform that allows educators to connect with multiple people at one time. There is chat functionality and educators can even record the sessions for students who need to review later.
- Zoom Quick Reference Guide (Developed by UC Santa Barbara)
- Zoom User Guide (Developed by UC San Diego)
- 10-Ways to Secure Zoom - PDF
Google Hangouts (Coming Soon)
Curriculum Delivery Tools
Flipgrid: Free web-based service that allows educators to facilitate video discussions. Educators post questions and/or discussion topics and students respond with video posts that appear in a grid display.
Screencast-o-matic: A free screen and video recording tool that educators can use to record and deliver lessons or messages.
Edmodo: A free service that allows educators to send messages and send class materials.
Curriculum Resources
[General] FUSD Distance Learning Guide Curriculum: Daily learning guides produced by FUSD. Educators can feel free to use and/or supplement this material or create their own material. Please communicate with parents about student expectations.
[General] We Are Teachers: A comprehensive list of over 200 free online learning links which can be incorporated in distance learning curriculum.
[General] CA Dept. of Education: A comprehensive list of distance learning curriculum resources in multiple categories, including:
- English Language Arts
- Mathematics
- Writing
- Science
- Physical Education
- History and Social Science
- Electives: The Arts, Music, and Language
- Pre-K Learning, Games and Activities
- English Language Development Learning, Games, and Activities
- Multilingual Resources
[Elementary] FresnoTK: An expanding website created by Freno TK teachers. The website has resources for everything from all the academic areas, plus read alouds and virtual field trips.
Social & Emotional Resources
Claremont Resources: Social-Emotional resources for our members, provided by our Claremont partners.
- Extraordinary Times
- Six Daily Questions to Ask Yourself in Quarantine
- Things I Can Control
- Social Distancing Does Not Mean Emotional Distancing
- Lean on Claremont EAP
- 23 Things to Do at Home During the Coronavirus
- Talking to Your Children about Coronavirus
- Managing Fears and Anxiety around Coronavirus

Social & Emotional Referral
Complete the form below to send a referral for student social-emotional support to FUSD's Department of Prevention & Intervention.
- Please include the following information:
- School Site
- Grade
- Parent/Guardian Name
- Updated Family Contact Number
- Student Name
- Student ID
- Reason for Referral (Be as Specific as Possible)