True advocates of our students

Working to improve the conditions of teaching and learning

Reimagining Education: Our Plan to Fix Fresno Unified

Together, we have the power to transform our school district and create a brighter future for our students. Here are highlights of our comprehensive plan:

Smaller Classes, Big Impact

Imagine classrooms where every child gets the attention they need. Our solution: smaller class sizes. Research shows it works. Smaller classes in grades 1-3 boost reading skills and set our kids on the path to success.

Why Smaller Classes Matter:

  • Better one-on-one teaching
  • Improved learning and participation
  • Fewer behavior problems
  • Stronger teacher-student and family communication
  • Teachers can focus on teaching, not just discipline.

The district has ignored this for too long. It's time for change.

Supporting Special Education

Every child deserves an education that fits their needs. Special Education Teachers are working hard, but they're overwhelmed. Our plan: set class size limits to help teachers, reduce workloads, and provide better support. Students get the personalized instruction they deserve, making IEPs a reality.

Caring for Kids' Health

Our kids' well-being is crucial. But a lack of nurses means many schools lack basic medical care during the day. Untrained staff shouldn't handle emergencies or medications. Our solution: put a qualified school nurse on every campus.

Meaningful Student Support

Fresno Unified faces challenges, but together, we can turn things around. Our plan aims to boost students' success in and out of the classroom.

Here's What We Proposed:

  • Reading Specialists: Strong literacy for all students
  • Capped Class Sizes: Better learning environment
  • Free Tutoring: Support for struggling students
  • Extension/Transition Programs: Guiding at-risk students
  • Enhanced Support Staff: Non-academic help for students
  • College Scholarship Advisors: Prep for post-secondary success
  • And much more!

These investments create a fairer, more successful educational environment, closing achievement gaps and giving our kids a brighter future.

Fair Pay and Benefits

Fair pay and benefits mean:

  • Attracting and retaining top talent
  • Lower teacher turnover and stable education
  • Showing we value our educators' vital role
  • Educators deserve financial security and recognition for their hard work.

Join us in pushing for these changes. Together, we can improve our school district and give our children the education they deserve. Let's make a difference today for a better tomorrow.

FTA strives to provide you with support and resources you need to have a successful teaching career.

Teaching is challenging and being an employee of a large urban district can pose some additional and unique challenges. We are a union that represents members in the fourth largest district in the state of California and is affiliated with CTA and NEA. It is very important as a new teacher that colleagues at your school site are reaching out to you and offering assistance.

If you feel you need extra support, please do not hesitate to contact the FTA office at (559) 224-8430.


Areas of Action

The Fresno Teachers Association, in close partnership with our statewide organization, has identified several areas of action to promote our ends.

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The FTA wants all members to stay up-to-date with negotiations, alerts, and upcoming changes. Subscribe to our blog to get any alerts and updates sent right to your email. We promise to only sent pertinent information.